Ladner Tennis Club – Return to Play Safety Plan in response to COVID-19
Safety Plan: LTC Clubhouse
- The LTC Clubhouse remains closed for socializing
- The clubhouse building may only be used by members for the bathrooms; if bathrooms are occupied, members to wait in line, at least 2m apart.
- No BBQ social events permitted at this time
- Soap, water, paper towels will be available in each bathroom
- Disinfectant spray & paper towels to be available in clubhouse
Safety Plan: LTC Courts & Players
Players are advised to:
- wash or sanitize hands before and after playing (players to bring their own hand sanitizer)
- maintain social distancing at all times when attending the Ladner Tennis Club (including while playing matches)
- avoid physical contact – e.g. no shaking of hands, high-fives, etc.
- avoid sharing equipment
- consider wearing a glove on their non-racquet hand
- not visit the LTC courts or clubhouse if they are sick or experience any COVID-like symptoms
In addition, Ladner Tennis Club members are encouraged to read the following return to play guidelines prepared by Tennis Canada: