Our club’s season runs from April 1 to March 31 each year. Club members have priority use of the four courts at Hawthorne Park during the club hours listed below (year-round). All courts have lights for evening play.
Our club offers a mix of Open Play (where members arrange their own matches with other members) and Organized Play (structured events, as listed below).
NOTE: Organized Play events take place from May to September only. From October to March (when Organized Play stops), all club hours are Open Play (where players arrange their own matches). During non-club hours, the courts are open to the public.
Club Hours & Organized Play Times
MONDAY CLUB HOURS: 9am-1pm Open Play
TUESDAY CLUB HOURS: 5pm–10pm 6-8pmOrganized Play: *NEW for 2025*Intermediate Doubles (3.5+, signup required) Coordinator: Matt Barker Open Play during remaining club hours
WEDNESDAY CLUB HOURS: 9am-1pm and 5pm-10pm 6-8pm: Organized Play:*NEW for 2025* Doubles, all levels (Google signup form will be used) Open Play during remaining club hours
THURSDAY CLUB HOURS: 5pm–10pm 6-8pm Organized Play: *NEW for 2025* Intermediate Doubles (3.5+, signup required) Coordinator: Matt Barker Open Play during remaining club hours
SATURDAY CLUB HOURS: 9am–5pm 10am-12pm Organized Play: Advanced Doubles (4.0+, signup required) Coordinator: Gary Porter Open Play during remaining club hours
SUNDAY CLUB HOURS: 9am–5pm Open Play
Ladder matches are not to be scheduled during Organized Play hours