We have switched to a ‘House League’ format. Coordinator Ingrid See has drawn up houses for singles and doubles. Players/teams will schedule matches against other players/teams in their house.
All matches must be completed by the deadline specified (players/teams will get a ZERO for any matches not completed). Winners of each house will move onto playoffs against winners of the other houses (playoff matches will be scheduled). If teams/players are unable to make the playoffs, the runner-up player/team will take their place.
2024 House League Rules
For doubles, you can choose any partner you wish
Pre-book mathces with the teams you are playing once the schedule is out
If you are asked to play and you turn down the dates 2x, you will be given a Zero score
Both players/teams bring new can of balls to the match – winner takes the unopened can, losers takes the opened can
Best 2/3 sets with 3rd set being a 10 point super tiebreaker
All scores must be entered into the google document or reported to the coordinators Ingrid See or Peter Zannis
There will be fun prizes for the winners of the house ladder
CLICK HERE to see the Google Sheet with the most recent Ladder rankings!